吴阳 1,2冯玉涛 1,*韩斌 1,2武俊强 1孙剑 1,2
1 中国科学院 西安光学精密机械研究所,陕西西安709
2 中国科学院大学,北京100049
长波红外差分干涉仪在低温工况下会因光学元件受到非均匀应力作用产生干涉条纹的畸变,从而降低干涉仪系统性能。本文为解决低温工况干涉条纹弯曲畸变问题,基于长波红外差分干涉仪光机系统进行了干涉条纹畸变影响因素分析,结合光-机-热耦合分析方法,对干涉仪系统低温工作状态进行仿真。随后设计了针对影响条纹畸变的关键元件——光栅元件的低温微应力动态稳定支撑安装结构,结构优化后的光栅表面面形均方根(Root Mean Square, RMS)值为3.89×10-2 nm,面形峰谷值(Peak to Valley, PV)值为2.21×10-1 nm,分别较优化前初始系统的分析结果减小了5个数量级,系统仿真干涉条纹畸变小于1个探测器像元。全系统低温验证试验表明,优化结构可有效抑制干涉条纹畸变,畸变量小于2个探测器像元,试验与仿真计算结果一致性较好,验证了优化分析方法的有效性。该优化方案对提升反射式光学系统结构低温稳定性,提高系统工作能力有较大意义和价值。
微应力装夹 干涉条纹畸变 低温光机结构优化 光-机-热耦合 面形拟合 micro-stress clamping interference fringe distortion cryogenic opto-mechanical structure optimization optical-mechanical-thermal coupling analysis surface shape fitting 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(2): 171
向程江 1,2刘晓凤 2,3,*陶春先 1李大伟 2,3[ ... ]邵建达 2,3,4,5
1 上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093
2 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所薄膜实验室,上海 201800
3 中国科学院强上海光学精密机械研究所激光材料重点实验室,上海 201800
4 中国科学院大学材料科学与光电子工程中心,北京 100049
5 国科大杭州高等研究院,浙江 杭州 310024
时间分辨的泵浦探测技术是研究光学元件损伤动态过程的有力手段。基于增强电荷耦合器件(ICCD)的时间分辨泵浦探测技术,对比研究了1064 nm纳秒激光辐照下HfO2/SiO2增透膜膜面处于激光入射面(正向过程)和出射面(反向过程)两种情况下的动态损伤过程。在同一能量密度(52 J/cm2)激光辐照下,正向和反向过程都产生了无膜层剥落的小坑损伤以及伴随膜层剥落的小坑损伤,但反向过程产生的小坑的横向尺寸和深度都比正向的大。有限元分析结果表明正向和反向过程中增透膜内部的基底-膜层界面场强相似,但实际损伤形貌尺寸以及依据冲击波传播速度计算得到的爆炸能量都表明反向过程沉积的能量更大,可见等离子体形成后在后续激光脉冲辐照下的发展过程决定了两种情况下的损伤差异。增透膜损伤的时间分辨研究对其损伤机制分析以及实际应用具有重要意义。
薄膜 增透膜 激光诱导损伤 时间分辨 等离子体 冲击波 
2024, 51(8): 0803101
南昌大学 电子信息工程系,南昌 330031
复合腔磁系统 光学参量放大器 磁力诱导透明 快慢光效应 磁振子 Hybrid cavity magnomechanical system Optical parametric amplifier Magnomechanically induced transparency Fast-slow light effect Magnon 
2024, 53(2): 0227001
孙剑 1,2冯玉涛 1,*畅晨光 1,2王炜 1[ ... ]胡炳樑 1
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
针对现有结构无法满足大尺寸差分干涉仪稳定性固定,以星载近红外差分干涉仪稳定性结构为研究目标,优化选择光学材料实现实体差分干涉仪的热补偿,提高了光学元件温度稳定性;以支撑结构的最大结构应力和光机粘接面处最大剪切应力小于许用应力为优化目标,建立数学模型,优化设计支撑结构参数,调节组件基频,提高了组件的力学稳定性。有限元分析支撑结构最大应力65.56 MPa,小于材料的抗拉强度,光机粘接面最大剪切应力3.4 MPa;环境温度变化5 ℃,分光棱镜面形RMS最大变化量1.671 nm,热应力带来的干涉图畸变可忽略。力学振动试验前后,光学测试干涉条纹频率(50个条纹数)未发生变化,差分干涉仪结构满足星载力学环境条件。该方法也适用于棱镜式干涉仪稳定性支撑结构。
近红外差分干涉仪 最优结构 数学模型 结构应力 剪切应力 面形 Near-infrared Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer Optimal structure Mathematical model Mechanical stress Shear stress Surface shape 
2023, 52(11): 1122001
Kun Shuai 1,2,3Yuanan Zhao 1,2,3,*Xiaofeng Liu 1,2,3,*Xiangkun Lin 1,2,3[ ... ]Jianda Shao 1,3,9
Author Affiliations
1 Laboratory of Thin Film Optics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai, China
2 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
3 Key Laboratory of Materials for High Power Laser, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
4 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
5 National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
6 School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
7 National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Shanghai, China
8 Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, China
9 Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou, China
Multilayer dielectric gratings (MLDGs) are crucial for pulse compression in picosecond–petawatt laser systems. Bulged nodular defects, embedded in coating stacks during multilayer deposition, influence the lithographic process and performance of the final MLDG products. In this study, the integration of nanosecond laser conditioning (NLC) into different manufacturing stages of MLDGs was proposed for the first time on multilayer dielectric films (MLDFs) and final grating products to improve laser-induced damage performance. The results suggest that the remaining nodular ejection pits introduced by the two protocols exhibit a high nanosecond laser damage resistance, which remains stable when the irradiated laser fluence is more than twice the nanosecond-laser-induced damage threshold (nanosecond-LIDT) of the unconditioned MLDGs. Furthermore, the picosecond-LIDT of the nodular ejection pit conditioned on the MLDFs was approximately 40% higher than that of the nodular defects, and the loss of the grating structure surrounding the nodular defects was avoided. Therefore, NLC is an effective strategy for improving the laser damage resistance of MLDGs.
laser-induced damage threshold multilayer dielectric gratings nanosecond laser conditioning nodular defects picosecond–petawatt laser systems 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2023, 11(6): 06000e89
秦军 1,2陶源盛 3金明 3韩昌灏 3[ ... ]缪旻 1,2,*
1 北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程学院信息与通信系统信息产业部重点实验室,北京 100101
2 北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程学院光电测试技术及仪器教育部重点实验室,北京 100101
3 北京大学电子学院区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室,北京 100871
硅基调制器具有体积小、功耗低、易集成等优势,但相较于铌酸锂调制器,线性度通常较差,从而限制了其在光载无线等通信系统中的性能。提出一种增强型最大比例混合接收机(EMRC-Rx),用以补偿硅基调制器对无源光接入网络带来的性能下降缺点。EMRC-Rx综合利用直接检测机(DD-Rx)和轻相干检测机(Lite CO-Rx)的优势,借助两种接收方式的最大信噪比占比,可以显著提升接收机的灵敏度,进而解决硅基调制器低线性度导致的系统性能下降问题。实验结果表明,当误码率高于KP4-FEC阈值1.0×10-4时,相较于DD-Rx和Lite CO-Rx,EMRC-Rx的接收灵敏度分别提升5.5 dB和8.8 dB,误差矢量幅度(EVM)分别提升32.5%和41.1%,系统性能明显得到改善。通过进一步与铌酸锂调制器进行对比发现,相比采用铌酸锂调制器的Lite CO-Rx和DD-Rx,基于硅基调制器的EMRC-Rx的接收灵敏度分别提升3.5 dB和7.9 dB,且可取得与铌酸锂调制器中MRC-Rx接近的系统性能,验证了EMRC-Rx对硅基调制器低线性度带入的性能劣化的补偿效果。本工作对在5G时代利用硅基调制器构建高可靠、低成本的光子集成接入网具有指导意义。
硅基调制器 直接检测 轻相干检测 无源光接入网 调制器线性度 
2023, 43(23): 2312002
Wenyun Du 1,2Meiping Zhu 1,2,3,4,*Jun Shi 1,2,3Tianbao Liu 1,2[ ... ]Jianda Shao 1,2,3,4
Author Affiliations
1 Laboratory of Thin Film Optics, Key Laboratory of Materials for High Power Laser, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
2 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
3 Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou, China
4 CAS Center for Excellence in Ultra-intense Laser Science, Shanghai, China
The laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of plate laser beam splitter (PLBS) coatings is closely related to the subsurface absorption defects of the substrate. Herein, a two-step deposition temperature method is proposed to understand the effect of substrate subsurface impurity defects on the LIDT of PLBS coatings. Firstly, BK7 substrates are heat-treated at three different temperatures. The surface morphology and subsurface impurity defect distribution of the substrate before and after the heat treatment are compared. Then, a PLBS coating consisting of alternating HfO2–Al2O3 mixture and SiO2 layers is designed to achieve a beam-splitting ratio (transmittance to reflectance, s-polarized light) of approximately 50:50 at 1053 nm and an angle of incidence of 45°, and it is prepared under four different deposition processes. The experimental and simulation results show that the subsurface impurity defects of the substrate migrate to the surface and accumulate on the surface during the heat treatment, and become absorption defect sources or nodule defect seeds in the coating, reducing the LIDT of the coating. The higher the heat treatment temperature, the more evident the migration and accumulation of impurity defects. A lower deposition temperature (at which the coating can be fully oxidized) helps to improve the LIDT of the PLBS coating. When the deposition temperature is 140°C, the LIDT (s-polarized light, wavelength: 1064 nm, pulse width: 9 ns, incident angle: 45°) of the PLBS coating is 26.2 J/cm2, which is approximately 6.7 times that of the PLBS coating deposited at 200°C. We believe that the investigation into the laser damage mechanism of PLBS coatings will help to improve the LIDT of coatings with partial or high transmittance at laser wavelengths.
laser-induced damage threshold nodule defect plate laser beam splitter subsurface impurity defect 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2023, 11(5): 05000e61
Author Affiliations
1 National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, School of Physics and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China
2 Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
Polymeric nitrogen has attracted much attention owing to its possible application as an environmentally safe high-energy-density material. Based on a crystal structure search method accelerated by the use of machine learning and graph theory and on first-principles calculations, we predict a series of metal nitrides with chain-like polynitrogen (P21-AlN6, P21-GaN6, P-1-YN6, and P4/mnc-TiN8), all of which are estimated to be energetically stable below 40.8 GPa. Phonon calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations at finite temperature suggest that these nitrides are dynamically stable. We find that the nitrogen in these metal nitrides can polymerize into two types of poly-N42- chains, in which the π electrons are either extended or localized. Owing to the presence of the polymerized N4 chains, these metal nitrides can store a large amount of chemical energy, which is estimated to range from 4.50 to 2.71 kJ/g. Moreover, these compounds have high detonation pressures and detonation velocities, exceeding those of conventional explosives such as TNT and HMX.
Matter and Radiation at Extremes
2022, 7(3): 038402
Author Affiliations
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
2 Laboratory of Thin Film Optics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai, China
3 National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
4 School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
5 National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Shanghai, China
6 Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, China
7 Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou, China
Multilayer dielectric gratings typically remove multiple-grating pillars after picosecond laser irradiation; however, the dynamic formation process of the removal is still unclear. In this study, the damage morphologies of multilayer dielectric gratings induced by an 8.6-ps laser pulse were closely examined. The damage included the removal of a single grating pillar and consecutive adjacent grating pillars and did not involve the destruction of the internal high-reflection mirror structure. Comparative analysis of the two damage morphological characteristics indicated the removal of adjacent pillars was related to an impact process caused by the eruption of localized materials from the left-hand pillar, exerting impact pressure on its adjacent pillars and eventually resulting in multiple pillar removal. A finite-element strain model was used to calculate the stress distribution of the grating after impact. According to the electric field distribution, the eruptive pressure of the dielectric materials after ionization was also simulated. The results suggest that the eruptive pressure resulted in a stress concentration at the root of the adjacent pillar that was sufficient to cause damage, corresponding to the experimental removal of the adjacent pillar from the root. This study provides further understanding of the laser-induced damage behavior of grating pillars and some insights into reducing the undesirable damage process for practical applications.
grating pillar removal laser-induced damage multilayer dielectric gratings picosecond laser 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2022, 10(6): 06000e42
李俊杰 1,2孙剑 1赵珩翔 1畅晨光 1,2[ ... ]冯玉涛 1,*
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 西安电子科技大学 物理与光电工程学院,西安 710071
星载多普勒差分干涉仪通过探测气辉光谱测量中高层大气风场,为降低低层大气背景辐射的影响,需要设计杂散光抑制结构。以基于500 km轨道高度的卫星平台对60~90 km高度的中层大气风场探测为例,选取典型气辉辐射强度与大气背景辐射,依据不同高度下大气背景辐射强度变化,结合光学系统参数设计遮光罩。仿真分析多普勒差分干涉仪系统内部产生杂散光的关键面,设计杂光抑制结构,并评估干涉仪非工作级次能量对成像造成的影响。点源透过率分析和像面照度仿真结果表明:水平方向和对角线方向上,视场外0.2°处点源透过率下降到10-5以下,竖直方向上,视场外0.04°处点源透过率下降到10-5以下;大气背景辐射和鬼像占像面总能量的1.35%。所提杂散光抑制方法满足星载多普勒差分干涉仪对杂散光抑制的技术要求。
应用光学 杂散光抑制 遮光罩设计 多普勒差分干涉仪 大气背景辐射 Applied optics Stray light suppression Baffle design Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer Atmospheric background radiation 
2022, 51(11): 1130002

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